Birthdays, suds, markets + mums…
We made soap!
NEW! Cosmos and Sunbeam soaps, hand made with our essential oil blends, coconut and extra virgin olive oil. Gift-ready in frilly recyclable wraps They make cute Mother’s Day gifts!
Mates celebrated big birthdays (mine is next week!)
Another beautiful birthday cake by @goodgoodcake (it was chocolate espresso flavours + italian meringue)
Bows on glasses & pearly cakes
April parties in gardens with bow-wine glasses, candles, fairy lights and lots of blooms..
Bows make everything better!
We love a bow, so we’ve added these bow gift bags to store, so you can add them to gifts to make them more lovely!
Mother’s Day
We’re proud to be part of the @Braveryco Mother’s Day pop up shop at @cobakespace in Swan St, Richmond, $2 will be donated from each sale at the pop up to Peter Mac Cancer Research.
Almost winter
Our next market is @thebigdesignmarket so pop it in the calendar cos we’re not doing many markets this year!
Daisy looking cosy.
Maybe it’s because she knows we’ve got FREE SHIPPING for orders $50+ till 12/5/24! Enter FREESHIP4MUM xx